Exposed Wall Texture is an anti-algae acrylic-siloxane plaster coating for exteriors and interiors, fine grain (0.5 – 0.7 mm). The particular grain curve of Exposed Wall Texture and the possibility to overlap it with one or more layers of Uniwall Top Coat ensures to achieve cutting-edge elegant concrete effects, in line with the newest trends in the interior/exterior design.



Available in 25 kg.

The packaged product is guaranteed for 24 months if stored in the original sealed packages and at the adequate temperatures.






Due to the balanced formulation and the use of proper inerts and additives, Exposed Wall Texture is highly recommended for:

  1. New renderings or old plasters
  2. Concrete surfaces
  3. Old paints or dry, compact, absorbent, mineral coatings
  4. Various absorbent mineral substrates
  5. Insulating systems
  6. Plasterboards



Binder nature: Acrylic and styrene copolymer in water dispersion with siloxane resins

Density: 1.80 +/- 0.5 g/ml



Exposed Wall Texture Finish surfaces are highly washable, stain resistance



Direction for use (For Exteriors)

  • Base Preparation – Clean the surface and ensure it is free from algal and fungal growth and seepages post which applies Uniwall Acrylic Primer.
  • Exposed Wall Texture Application – Apply 1st coat of Exposed Wall Texture paste form on the primed surface using a steel trowel. Allow it to dry for 45 mins to an hour. Apply 2nd coat of Exposed Wall Texture paste when the 1st coat is in semi-dry condition. Make the desired pattern using requisite tools. Allow it to dry for 5-10 mins. Buff the surface using a Steel Trowel. Excess buffing will flatten the surface & pattern will not visible. Buff the surface gently.
    After 6 to 8 hrs of complete drying, apply the 1st coat of Apex Tile Guard Clear (tinted and diluted by maximum 30%) and then apply tinted 2nd coat using CW sponge in the direction of the pattern (Vertical & Horizontal). Clean excess material using a wet CW Sponge. In hot & dry climatic conditions, wet the surface with water before applying 2nd top coat to avoid section lines.


Direction for use (For Interiors)

  • Exposed Wall Texture Application – Apply 1st coat of Exposed Wall Texture paste form on the primed surface using a steel trowel. Allow it to dry for 45 mins to an hour. Apply 2nd coat of Exposed Wall Texture paste when the 1st coat is in semi-dry condition. Make the desired pattern using requisite tools. Allow it to dry for 5-10 mins. Buff the surface using a Steel Trowel. Excess buffing will flatten the surface & pattern will not visible. Buff the surface gently.
  • Uniwall Top Coat Application – After 6 to 8 hrs of complete drying, apply the 1st coat of Uniwall Top Coat (untinted and diluted by 200% water). After 3 to 4 hrs of drying apply tinted 2nd coat (diluted by 200% water) using Sponge Roller & CW sponge in the direction of the pattern (Vertical & Horizontal). Clean excess material using a wet CW Sponge. In hot & dry climatic conditions, wet the surface with water before applying 2nd top coat to avoid section lines



Exposed Wall Texture: 1.6 – 2.0 kg/m2 in two coats, depending on the kind of substrate.



Clean with water, immediately after use.



Ready for dilution.

Not to be diluted.



Exposed Wall Texture contains maximum 40 g/l of VOC. Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment / Keep out of the reach of children / Do not empty into drains / Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves / If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show container or label.

The product must be transported, used and stored in accordance with the standards in force regarding hygiene and safety; let the residues dry out completely and treat them as special waste. For more information see the safety data sheet

The information herein is provided to the best of its technical and scientific knowledge and based on its experience; nonetheless, the company may not be held liable for the results obtained using these products, as application conditions are beyond its control. It is recommended to always make sure that the product is suited to each specific instance. The present sheet voids and replaces any previously existing sheets.



During the entire application process, the product must be protected from cold and high heat changes.

Do not apply with air, substrate and product temperature lower than +5°C and higher than +35°C, nor under direct sunlight, nor on superheated surfaces (even if already in shadow).

Environmental humidity must be <75%; substrate humidity must be <10%.

It is advisable to complete each work with materials from the same batch of production. When using multiple batches, it is recommended to remix the various products together to avoid slight differences in shading.

For the application of specific tints of Intosil Fine on insulation systems, it is recommended to check first the feasibility of the tint. For the correct use, dilution and application of the products here mentioned, consult their respective technical datasheets.

During the preparation of the substrate and application of the products, it is recommended the correct use of tools and individual protective devices (dpi).



Properly mix the product before tinting and application.

Do not apply on fresh/new substrates; wait a maturation period, generally of 4 weeks.